Monday, May 11, 2009

Quick Update

Important news flash! My niece has a 11 toes. That isn't the big news; I noticed this the first time I held her, I thought it was freaking awesome then, and I find it even more awesome now. The news is that apparently it is genetic and since she is my brother's daughter that makes my brother a carrier, and since I am my brother''m a carrier. Slowly it is sinking in that I GOT ROBBED! I got an 11th toe in me somewhere and I plan on doing my best to grow it.

Live Long and Prosper!

I'm not a Trekkie but I had to put that there in the hopes that my Manager, a Star Wars fanatic would see it and become agitated because once I made the assumption that since she liked Star Wars that she would at least tolerate Star Trek. I was very wrong and she became very upset that I would even consider them to be on the same level.

Geena, Are we still on for the Vulcan Mind Melding during lunch tomorrow?


Brazenlilly said...

Sorry for your loss. Of a sixth toe.

I wasn't quite following the transition to Star Trek, though. Do Vulcans have 6 toes?!

Lis said...

With your gene for an extra toe and those thumb toes, and my sister's freakishly distorted toes, this could make for the most outlandish set of extremeties to ever be cast upon one child!