Wanted to share this little dandy experience with you, because quite frankly I need to turn my mind off work in other ways besides summer reruns, although I am being reminded that "Arrested Developement" is the funniest television show ever made.
I was browsing the internet the other day, seeing if anything was on when I noticed something jump off the screen at me. I want to share those screen shots with you to see if you see it too.
It took me some time at first to find what it was that struck me. At first all I knew is that there was something very alarming on the page, that freightened me. If you are playing at home and trying to find what is wrong with this screen I will give you hint number one. It isn't that I'm logged in to ESPN as Marcus.
I'm not Marcus. He is a buddy of mine and he had access to ESPN Insider, but his subscription that he scammed from some promotional game online ran out so I'm thinking of ending the friendship with him, he's really just dead weight at this point.

Back to the reason for the post. Here is a tighter snapshot on what caught my attention. Lets see if you can find it now.

Ok I talked to my wife about this and she claims it was about getting tips on better technique for doing the exercise called "skull crushers" but until I see her actually doing them I remain suspicious.
Seriously though this is just a big joke; at least the part where I fear my Wife might kill me part. Everything else is true. I did see the search "Skull Crush" and it did freak me out that my wife was looking that kind of stuff up. Drunk passed out guy; he's real too.