For the 4th of July my wonderful wife and I went to her parents house and grilled some beef/veggie burgers. Jess, my wife, is always trying out new recipes, usually they do not involve meat, in fact they usually involve humus, prunes, and soy. Before I go further I should mention my wife is in no way a vegetarian/vegan because she is opposed to eating animals. She has dietary restrictions that do not allow her to eat dairy or most meats besides chicken and fish if prepared properly. She has given up so many foods that I would never be able to do it is absolutely incredible.
Anyways She made this bean dip, and included a few strips of bacon in the recipe. Not turkey bacon, or fakin bacon, real 100% artery clogging, enlightenment inducing bacon. This is an occasion in our household that is worthy of a parade. Alisa, Jess' sister, invited a couple of friends with her. One of her friends name was Allison, she was really enjoying the bean dip. After taking a few sizable portions of the dip she made a comment to Jess.
"This dip is so good! I love it!"
"Thank you. Its a new recipe I was worried it wouldn't come out right." my wife politely retorted.
Allison took another bite of a chip with a dollop of dip on it "What is in it?"
As soon as the questions was asked another one of Alisa's friends perked up and began to motion to Jess to not say anything.
Jess reluctantly began listing the ingredients while Alisa's friend continued to vigorously wave her off. After listing a couple ingredients Jess asked the question she feared to be true.
"Are you a vegetarian?"
"Yes." Allison covered her mouth and became concerned. "Is there meat in this?"
Jess hesitantly replied, "There is a little bit of bacon."
Allison was a good sport about it. She admitted that must have been why it tasted so good. This just represents the power that bacon has. She had been a vegetarian for 20 years and even now bacon makes her weak in the knees. Respect the bacon, cause even when you think you are safe from its temptations if will rock your world. Vegetarians: 0 Bacon:1