I've known Blake for 4 years now. He has been a house mate, a groomsman, and a dear friend. The most incredible thing about Blake is that he is the most self sacrificing human being you will ever meet in your life. For the longest time I felt he may be too self sacrificing. That has since changed.Throughout the story below I will share some pictures of Blake, I think it iwll add to the emotional connection you will feel towards him. (Starting now)
Blake is most famous for driving girls with boyfriends hundreds of miles to go see their boyfriends. Because of Blake most, if not all, or these girls are now married to the boyfriends Blake drove them to see.

Blake goes out of his way to make your life easier, and more pleasant. The two instances where Blake's self sacrifice has been displayed to me are when he took upon himself as my groomsman to babysit another groomsman who got drunk at my wedding. Nobody wanted to do it, and I don't blame them, but Blake took it upon himself even driving said drunk groomsman home and stopping twice on a 15 mile trip for him to throw up. AWESOME!
Perhaps the greatest though is when I was a Junior in College, Blake was a freshman, and I refused to sleep on the sleeping porch.
To those who don't know a sleeping porch is where everybody that lives in the house sleeps. It always smells TERRIBLE and in the winter is freezing cause the door stays open so it doesn't smell worse. Probably the worst invention ever.

The next night I asked Blake if he wouldn't mind talking me to sleep again. He happily obliged, and I got another great nights sleep. Word began to spread about the deal me and Blake had going. The next night my roommate Marcus slept on the other couch in our room and Blake talked both of us to sleep. By the middle of next week Marcus and I were kicking people were turning people away from sleeping on the floor of our room to listen to Blake talk them to sleep. (We never had more than 4 bodies in the room, otherwise it would have totally defeated the purpose of not sleeping on the sleeping porch)
The last night of the year Blake began telling us a story about how he built an outhouse in Alaska and later he had to take refuge in it from a bear, or something like that. The story isn't important what is important is that it took Blake 3 hours to tell it. We all fell asleep 15 minutes into it. I wake up 3 hours later cause I had to use the bathroom and there is Blake sitting in the recliner in front of my desk looking at the ceiling saying, "I hated building that outhouse and digging that hole, but I must've done a real good job cause the Bear couldn't get me in there."

Blake's the dude flying through the air
He lowered his chin and looked at me and smiled "Oh hey Chad."
"What are you doing?" I asked
"Telling the Outhouse story."
"Blake we all fell asleep almost 3 hours ago!"
"I know, but I started the story and I couldn't just stop in the middle, so I figured I would just keep going in case anybody woke up and needed me to be here talking."
If you're interested let me know and I will see if I can't get Blake to come to your house and sit in your room and talk you to sleep. He doesn't stare while you sleep...psychos stare, he's totally professional.
Does Blake work for FedEx? Cause I think I saw him this morning on my walk.:)
I do want to hire Blake to put your nephew down for a nap every once in a while. Thank you for remembering your blog. These two posts were worth the wait. I now love Mr. Dimitri Comic (can't remember his real name) too. The vitamins bit had me rolling!
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